I have been called fascist before but i disagree while still acknowledging the similarities. what i am is something parallel to a fascist. See Fascism normally revolves around a superior race, culture or nation. It generally tries to keep the intelligence of its citizens down and discourages questioning.
I do not speak of any racial superiority and it may seem that i promote American culture and nationalism but appearances can be deceiving. the reason I promote our culture and seem like a nationalist is because i believe this nations governing system to be the best model to be given to the rest of the world. My true loyalty lies to the human species as a whole and feel the use of nationalism is the only way to unite the rest of the world.
and unlike fascism i do not support the dumbing down of the population. to the contrary i believe only the most intelligent of humans are fit to govern. But admittedly like fascism i do have a specific group i support as superior. The most intelligent of us, The atheists the agnostics humanists and deists. those few people with the will power and mental fortitude to break free of religions chains to embrace secularism. Yes i have a view of a superior something, intelligence. is that so bad to consider an intelligent person as more valuable than the dim? after all its our intelligence that drove our species to dominate this world.
Also unlike fascism i do not follow an idealogical doctrine to determine justice. The end justifies the means is the only moral. There is a social Darwinian war going on that nobody seems to notice. The survival of the human race is at stake. do we let religions long history of destruction and oppression destroy humanity or do we allow atheisms history of invention, progress and technological innovation have its chance? To a rational person the answer should be clear, we must remove the religions of the world. And how do we do this? first we must realise that there are no innocent people, you are either a part of the problem or its solution. so through the death of the jews and the muslims we can achieve success in humanity's next step in progress and evolution. Christianity is a dark stain as well but the majoirty of western Christians can be reformed through educating their children.
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