Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Illegal Immigration Is Unacceptable

    Many foreigners come to this country because of our stability and living condition, there are those people who believe in free immigration with the hopes of relieving poverty stricken people from their struggle. But i ask you this, How are we going to maintain our standards and our stability if we let in the very social parasites who destroyed their own culture? Don't get me wrong I'm not a racist in any way but we must consider that what makes a nation succeed or fail depends on more than military might, in the long run it depends on our cultural values. We must be more strict about who we let into our country or else we will suffer the same fate that they caused there own home. We will lose our power, stability our standards and our cultural values if we are not careful.

   I will start with taxes, With approximately 4 million illegals entering our country every year how are we supposed to maintain our roads our schools or any public services our government offers if there is an unknown amount of people in our country many of which are paying no taxes and doing nothing to better that state as a whole? About 1.1 million illegals get into our children's classrooms every year, and if there not paying taxes they are using up school resources like books and educational equipment stealing them way from Americas sons and daughters. The result a dumber generation, and for what helping social parasites escape the poverty they've stricken themselves with?

And what about gang activity? Illegals make up 80% of our country's gang population and more than 50% of our prison population. These illegals sell drugs to your children they rape your daughters and murder innocent people, and we willingly let these parasites into our country. This ties in with taxes as well. You go into work everyday so that you can pay your taxes and what do they go to? locking up illegals in our prisons, buying there children school books and cleaning up the streets that they have ruined.

What about the constitution.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Parallel To fascism

     I have been called fascist before but i disagree while still acknowledging the similarities. what i am is something parallel to a fascist. See Fascism normally revolves around a superior race, culture or nation. It generally tries to keep the intelligence of its citizens down and discourages questioning.

      I do not speak of any racial superiority and it may seem that i promote American culture and nationalism but appearances can be deceiving. the reason I promote our culture and seem like a nationalist is because i believe this nations governing system to be the best model to be given to the rest of the world. My true loyalty lies to the human species as a whole and feel the use of nationalism is the only way to unite the rest of the world.

     and unlike fascism i do not support the dumbing down of the population. to the contrary i believe only the most intelligent of humans are fit to govern. But admittedly like fascism i do have a specific group i support as superior. The most intelligent of us, The atheists the agnostics humanists and deists. those few people with the will power and mental fortitude to break free of religions chains to embrace secularism. Yes i have a view of a superior something, intelligence. is that so bad to consider an intelligent person as more valuable than the dim? after all its our intelligence that drove our species to dominate this world.

   Also unlike fascism i do not follow an idealogical doctrine to determine justice. The end justifies the means is the only moral. There is a social Darwinian war going on that nobody seems to notice. The survival of the human race is at stake. do we let religions long history of destruction and oppression destroy humanity or do we allow atheisms history of invention, progress and technological innovation have its chance? To a rational person the answer should be clear, we must remove the religions of the world. And how do we do this? first we must realise that there are no innocent people, you are either a part of the problem or its solution. so through the death of the jews and the muslims we can achieve success in humanity's next step in progress and evolution. Christianity is a dark stain as well but the majoirty of western Christians can be reformed through educating their children.


For Those Who Defend Islam

         This is for those who defend Islams actions. I'm going to present you will all the evidence necessary for a rational person to be convinced that Islam is no peaceful religion. I'm going to go into detail about there violent sexism and why we cannot allow them to keep the grasp they have on the millions of people around the world.

  "Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because men spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those among you who fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them." Sura 4:34
     First off women are forced my Muslim men to wear hijab, an outfit covering everything but they eyes. In Islam women are dirt they do not get to choose their clothing.there are seven rules in Islam for women's clothing. First it must cover everything but the hands and eyes. It cannot be thin enough to see through. It must be loose enough so that the body's figure cannot be seen. It cannot even resemble men's clothing. In fact it cant even resemble the clothing of other women from other religions. It cannot have any designs which could attract attention and it cannot be worn if it increase social status. The punishment for breaking any of these rules is an immediate beating by whatever male sees them. What is the solution to this you may ask? Step up and defend oppressed women from there Muslim slave drivers.
    We cannot progress as a human civilisation with people blocking progress through women's oppression. a rational person knows the genders are equal. There is no room in a global society for such barbaric behavior it must be stopped through any means necessary. Every rational person knows that problems don't just go away on there own, they have to be fixed and to fix Islam we must destroy its followers and start over on their land so once again human civilisation can progress again. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"-Edmund Burke

Friday, November 19, 2010


Justifying Genocide

   Genocide is defined as the destruction of an entire ethnic, racial, cultural or religious group. But I feel it can be necessary and that i can convince you of the
same. If you support capital punishment, genocide is not a far stretch. If a group is obviously the cause of a problem why not fix the problem? Especially when their is
supporting evidence.

   For example lets say you are walking down the street with your baby and wife and a blood gangbanger walks up and shoots your baby and kidnaps your wife. Later that
night the police inform you that she had been found dead and was probably raped. So you get a gun and you head to a known local gang hangout, you see 5 bloods on the street
and you shoot them all, guilt by association. So would you view what the man did as justified or senseless murder?

   Now to get more in depth with my guilt by association quote. If you see a Neo Nazi with a shaved head and a swastika tattoo is it wrong to assume he's a racist? With
Guilt by association it would be well within the bounds of justice to treat him like a war criminal scum that he is. When people choose to claim loyalty to a certain cause or
ideology they are willing putting themselves in the middle of the conflict in which they have already chosen their side. THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO PUT THEMSELVES AT RISK.

   And for religion, of all the crimes throughout history that Judaism, Islam and Christianity have been responsible for the vast majority of it all. And these so called
moderates are not held accountable for there actions and this is DISGUSTING! when we see a Muslim walking down the street you should treat them like the trash that
they are, you should hold them responsible for their actions. They cannot be allowed to exist in our society, the only thing they should be offered is death.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Illegal Immigration Is Unacceptable

By Kevin Locks

    Many foreigners come to this country because of our stability and living condition, there are those people who believe in free immigration with the hopes of relieving poverty stricken people from their struggle. But i ask you this, How are we going to maintain our standards and our stability if we let in the very social parasites who destroyed their own culture? Don't get me wrong I'm not a racist in any way but we must consider that what makes a nation succeed or fail depends on more than military might, in the long run it depends on our cultural values. We must be more strict about who we let into our country or else we will suffer the same fate that they caused there own home. We will lose our power, stability our standards and our cultural values if we are not careful.

   I will start with taxes, With approximately 4 million illegals entering our country every year how are we supposed to maintain our roads our schools or any public services our government offers if there is an unknown amount of people in our country many of which are paying no taxes and doing nothing to better that state as a whole? About 1.1 million illegals get into our children's classrooms every year, and if there not paying taxes they are using up school resources like books and educational equipment stealing them way from Americas sons and daughters. The result a dumber generation, and for what helping social parasites escape the poverty they've stricken themselves with?

  And what about gang activity? Illegals make up 80% of our country's gang population and more than 50% of our prison population. These illegals sell drugs to your children they rape your daughters and murder innocent people, and we willingly let these parasites into our country. This ties in with taxes as well. You go into work everyday so that you can pay your taxes and what do they go to? locking up illegals in our prisons, buying there children school books and cleaning up the streets that they have ruined.

   What about the constitution. well for one its written in English and no language translates perfectly into any other. We have already started putting other languages on signs, instructions even some legal documents. Why is this tolerated? Are we just going to rewrite our constitution is Spanish? Unacceptable we cannot allow our language, our values, our children and our way of life to be corrupted by illegal immigration we must put a stop to this.

    Now for the solution. Instead of allowing just anyone through our borders it might make sense to be a little selective. For one Learn English before you come here. Two No criminal record beyond a misdemeanor. and three denounce the culture and government you are leaving because if its failing we want no part of it here. Now just to be a little humanitarian we should allow military service in exchange for English education and a quicker process for becoming legal. For the illegals who have been captured they should be sent back to their country at the expense of their country's government with interests, or be forced in a public labor program for building border fences. If they give any trouble to our authorities overseeing the border fence construction they should be publicly executed in areas with a high amount of illegals

   In conclusion the message is this. If you are a social parasite, not welcome. If you are a felon, not welcome, if you degrade our culture, not welcome. We must defend our borders from these invaders using deadly force if needed and we must round up the illegals already in and bring them to justice.


Monday, November 8, 2010

settling violence in a civilized way

Man, A creature who has been fighting among its self since the beginning or time, Our baser instincts tell us to steal and reproduce and so much more..... Now skip forward to modern times, We see people killing and stealing and reproducing in modern times but yet murder has been around for  thousands of years.... What has changed us from killing at a whims notice? What has given us a satisfied amount of carnage in our life and sustained our blood lust?

 The answer is simple, We (man) love sports, due to the fact that's its violent, and active and so much more, we are active creatures as a species, and we have certain needs that make us animals at heart, blood lust is one of these, and sports seem to fill that void of violence in out life, Look at it from this aspect, we watch boxing matches, We can control the violence, and that's what makes it all the more enthralling, A boxer is hit and now his flesh above his eye is torn and now his opponent, sees a weakness, a visible wound he can target and now he pounces, and all the while, the crowds  is roaring and cheering on the un hurt boxer, because controlled boxing allows us to tap into out baser instincts without going over the line, it allows us to beat the hell out of that one person that annoys us, it is an escape from our everyday lives, the same can be said for football and many other sport, but the one i believe that takes the cake for this satisfying thrill, is the relatively new sport, MMA, This allows us to imagine more then boxing does, with the ground pounds, and the arm breaking, but its all controlled and allows us to tape into our baser instincts, but that's all i have to say about that


As  a rather new blogger, Ive been reading blogs and I have to commend sean Korsgaard on his honest and opiniated blog, He gives you what he honestly believes and doesnt hold back on it, and Thats all you can really ask for in a blog, People dont read blogs for censored opinion like you get on the news, Nobody wants to hear a round about answer. All we want is the truth, and im surprised to say this, but ive gotten nothing but the truth (from his point of view).

Every one who wants an opinon on day to day life, should read his blog!!

Creationism in school

General Rule: Evolution must only be taught as scientific fact. Creationism may not be taught as science under any circumstances.

May a public school science teacher's right to teach evolution be restricted?
No. The United States Supreme Court has determined that it is unconstitutional to restrict an educator's right to teach evolution. 35

May a science teacher who teaches evolution also teach creationism? No. Educators may not teach, as fact, the theory that humankind was created by a divine being. In science classes, educators must present only scientific explanations for life on earth and scientific critiques of evolution. Furthermore, schools may not refuse to teach evolution in an effort to avoid offending religious individuals. The United States Supreme Court has held that it is unconstitutional to require educators who teach evolution also to teach creationism. 36

In addition, disclaimers regarding the theory of evolution as the only explanation for the development of humankind have been found to be unconstitutional. InFreiler v. Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education, 185 F. 3d 337 (5th Cir 1999), cert. denied, 530 U. S. 1251 (2000), the court struck down a school board rule requiring teachers to read a disclaimer that said that the teaching of evolution is "not intended to influence or dissuade the Biblical version of Creation or any other concept."

May creationism ever be discussed in the public schools? Yes. Creationism may be included in classes on comparative religion as an example of how some religious groups believe human life began. However, creationism may never be taught as scientific fact.

Do scientific integrity and equity require that we teach a competing theory of human origins? Some have argued that equity, intellectual honesty and scientific integrity require the teaching of creationism as a differing and alternative point of view. However, creationism may not be taught as a response to the theory of evolution. Indeed, creationism (or "creation science") does not meet the tenets of science as scientists use the term. 37 Moreover, it is not a matter of equity to teach a religious point of view in a public school classroom with taxpayer dollars.

Additionally, there is a growing movement promoting the teaching of "intelligent design theory" which asserts that the only reasonable explanation for the very complexity of the world and development of humans is the existence of God. This "theory," often couched in scientific terminology, is just another species of creationism, and thus also must not be taught in the classroom as scientific fact.

Sample Scenario: 
    Parent Asks Biology Teacher to Stop Teaching Evolution or Include Creationism  Mrs. Anderson teaches a seventh grade biology class which includes a section on Darwinism and evolution. Jenny Hunter is a student in Mrs. Anderson's class. Jenny's mother was helping Jenny with her homework one night when she realized that Jenny was studying evolution, which goes against the family's belief in divine creation. Jenny's mother asked Mrs. Anderson to either stop teaching evolution or to also include a section on creationism, creation-science or intelligent design in her biology class. How should Mrs. Anderson respond?  Mrs. Anderson should continue to teach evolution and should not teach any theory that humankind was created by a divine being. While Jenny should be expected to learn and understand the theory of evolution, she should not feel compelled to agree with the theory. Mrs. Anderson should make sure Jenny is not ridiculed because she believes in divine creation.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Outside Perspective

     Imagine a race traveling through the stars, slowly making colonies throughout the universe, slowly spreading through the stars. Now just by chance they discover one of our satellites, and decide to come see another living species in the universe. They stumble upon us and see all the things that are wrong with us. They see world famine and cultural diversity and war, war which to them seems foolish and unproductive, For they have united as a species and become one unified race moving through the stars. How do they view us? Do they try to educate us and fix our flawed ways? DO they deem us unfit for existence in the world and eliminate us? They are a species that has moved on from all the flaws that humanity has? What use do the universe need in a species where they judge one of its own on a simply foolish thing as skin color or race or religion? Look at this from an outside perspective, What really makes us different from one another? In the existence of man, all we have known is war, famine,deceit, lies, death. I leave you with this quote.

"Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it."

Summary by Kevin Locks

   Either way to earn their respect we must unite, or unite to join to defend ourselves. Either way we must unite. These institutions of religion and sovereign nation states are the only things holding us back from our full potential.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hitler's Christianity

 This if for the people who claims that the actions of the last century's biggest dictator, Hitler. I'm going to show you the truth. quit contrary to the christian propaganda. his actions are a direct result
of his religious belief.

    The Nazi party killed more than 6 million Jews in their concentration camps. Even more were non Jewish bringing the final count to up to 17 million people. You might ask where i get off calling this a religious atrocity? Well Just ask Hitler about his faith. "I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so" this quote was said to General Gerhard Engel in 1941. So now we have his mindset but what about the justification? "the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew".-Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 11. What a surprise history's greatest monster was a devout catholic, which by the way is the only true form of Christianity.Hitler was a baptized Roman Catholic in Austria, he was also an altar boy. He attended a monastery school as a boy.He also was never excommunicated by the Church, Which felt he was just for avenging Christ .There are still those who believe he was lying to be more accepted by society and was really an atheist either way it was his followers who did the dirty work, and they did it in the name of Christ."I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator."

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Weighted Democracy

   Imagine a world, where those who gave more to the state got more say so in state activities. Imagine a world where intellect was valued over anything else. Imagine a state that gave people opportunities to earn more than one vote so that you can put yourself above the people who have failed society and bring us down.

  What i wanted you to imagine is a hypothetical system of voting that i call a weighted democracy. In this system everyone starts out with just one vote, but each person can earn more. Ways to attain these extra votes could be hypothetically, one vote for every five years of military service and another vote per combat deployment. Obviously the people who care about this country the most are the soldiers fighting and dying for it.

   Another means of attaining votes would be through education. An associates degree could be worth two points while a bachelors could be worth three. A masters would be worth five and a doctorate could be worth 10. The United States was once a powerhouse of intellectual ability, we must provide incentive to our youth to get education and show them that we value the mind.

   Community service would be my third and final way of attaining votes. for every five hundred hours of community service would get a person one vote, but people who take the community service road would have a max out point at just three votes from this area. The people who do physical labor for the state deserve a little something to.

   Now some ways to lose a vote would be for example, dropping out of high school but it could be reattained after getting a general equivalency diploma. For every felony committed, but you could earn your one vote back after ten years. those who go on welfare would lose a vote until they were back off welfare.

   Imagine a world where doctors, scientists, and the military are valued over social parasites, a world that makes sense. without the uneducated holding back our democratic processes imagine what we could achieve. Freedom is not free it has to be earned.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ken Buck, a disgrace to progress

 this morning's subject is the Colorado state election for governor. a race filled with sexism and a primary due
for august 10.Both are Republicans and both are involved in the shady business of attacking one another for the wrong reasons.

      On one end we have Ken Buck, the Weld County District Attorney. And on the other end we have Jane Norton, a former LT. Governor
This essay will explain Ken Buck. He thinks he should win the election basically because he is a man. When asked why should people vote for him he responded with "because i don't wear high heels". Very interesting I would have thought that by the year 2010 gender would not be an issue in an election.

    Ken Buck also has a warped conception of what separation of church and state is. He thinks
the government should fund religious organisations if they do good things, as if we don't have a 13 trillion dollar debt. His statement"I disagree strongly with the concept of separation of church and state" should be all the people need to hear to know this
man is an ignorant fool.

    Ken Buck Does not support federal control of schools, but prefers instead local governments controlling the youth's education. Obviously this would lead to different standards all across the country which you may guess is not a good thing.He wants to do away with student loans in his state hence promoting even more intellectual degradation. I do agree about needing education reform,after all look what our education system has done to him. In my opinion we need more federal control over the education system.

    Ken Buck believes homosexuality is a choice and compared it to alcoholism.He obviously didn't pay much attention in science class because we now know that most of our personality is inherited. He opposes gay marriage, as if it hurts somebody.He wants to keep gays out of the military, even while were at war.

    He wants to end all abortion even in cases of rape or incest. He wants all birth Control off the shelves so that we can have rampant teen pregnancy. So in the end religion can be his only justification for these views, do you want a sexist theocracy in this nation deciding whats right and wrong for you based on his interpretation of god?

   In Conclusion Ken Buck is bad for Colorado, he's bad for this country and his ideas are a testament to our failing education system. He wants to push us back centuries to a less enlightened time. We cannot allow such idiocy to lead or even be in charge of anything of importance in this country. It would almost seam like treason against our founding father's to elect this bigot, he work against everything they have created.

Friday, October 29, 2010


This writing is going to explain how in order to maintain progress a state must embrace imperialism. Imperialism is when one nation attempt to dominate another politically or economically. In the 21stcentury we’ve already witnessed some of the consequences of imperialism, but history has shown that the advances made by imperialistic actions out way its drawbacks. I am going to broaden the scope of imperialism to mean any type of aggressive action of an idea country or organization so I can go more in depth.
  Europe has contained history’s most powerful nations. What all these countries shared in common was their value of imperialism. With ought the threat of a foreign takeover there would have been no motivation for progress. The rest of earths continents held the week and primitive nations that were abruptly ended by European colonialism.
  Sure there are many peaceful ideas in the world but what good are they if you are not willing to fight for them, so the whole idea of constant peace is flawed. If you know that one idea, government or culture is superior to another and you allow the inferior to continue to exist you invite the destruction of yours, by being peaceful you allow competition to rise up to challenge what is right.
Another idea involving peace that is flawed is peaceful protest. It’s hypocritical from the start, the whole idea of showing off numbers is to scare the opponents with the thought of what if these numbers were militant. So why even waste time with peaceful protest? If you have an idea and evidence for its validity it is your duty to spread it by any means necessary.
So as unhappy as imperialism sounds if the United States hadn’t forcefully removed Native Americans then there would be no one to rise up against Nazism or Communism. In these situations the end justified the means.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Foreign Policy

I am about to discuss the United States foreign policy and my likes and dislike about it. Even though I dislike president bush I was a fan of his foreign policy. I hear my peers talking about how it’s not our right to police the world and that we should stay out of the business of other nations. I have absolutely no respect for the opinions of those who use this as an excuse for isolationism. There are good reasons to stay out of other nation’s affairs and I will explain them later, but first I am going to show why we have the right to do whatever we want on this world.
  After the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union the United States was the only remaining superpower in the world leaving us with the responsibility to govern the planet? It would be irresponsible of us to allow weak nations with no future to stand in the way of our interests. The consequences would be grave, we would eventually through appeasement become one of these week hopeless nations and if we care about our future we cannot allow our leaders to appease the world. The resources we need for survival are spread around the globe and we cannot afford to negotiate ownership of them. Obviously the American system of government is currently the most effective system ever conceived up to this point in history. It is foolish to engage in diplomacy over our interests when we rightfully have the power to take them. Unfortunately most Americans are not educated enough to see things this way.
  Our educational system is the tool that can be used to fix this. If more emphasis was placed on history, politics, and national superiority then a new generation of voters can lead our nation to further greatness and global dominance. I wish our president could give a speech about how we are deploying to the middle east to secure oil resources to further our nations might and get support for it. Unfortunately out government has to use propaganda and phrases like “war on terror” to justify endless war. I wish the day would come when people realize that war is necessary to survive. This nation was born in war expanded through war, and maintains survival through war. If people fail to realize this we are doomed to fail like every other nation in history. People in America have gotten complacent, people are so used to being in the greatest nation to ever exist that they begin to worry about the morality of our treatment of foreign countries. Our position as global superpower is not set in stone and can end at anytime.
  Our nation has been called the melting pot of the world and I like that. Our system of government should be spread all over the world bringing all of humanities cultures into our melting pot. I know I have spoken about a culture for all of humanity before and I think that our country is the place for it. After all today’s American culture is a combination of all the positive traits of last generations immigrants.
  Now imagine a world with no war. This is only possible if a nation with a stable system of governance absorbs the other nations. If you do not believe this is true try and think back to a time when individual states when to war. Obviously the civil war but that can never happen again in the nuclear age as long as the central government has the possession of nuclear weapons. World peace is possible but must be fought for, and there is no other nation more prepared than the United States of America!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cultural Diversity Is Devisive

       Many Americans and people all over the world celebrate cultural diversity with the idea that it is the opposite of racism. In reality cultural diversity divides rather than unites. We are all human; therefore we should strive to reach an assimilated human culture for the world to share. This culture of humanity shouldn’t be based on religion, morality, race or blood but system of government common language. In this essay I’m going to discuss this idea in further detail starting with the consequences of celebrating a personal heritage.

      From the sixteen hundreds up to the eighteen hundreds black slaves existed all across America predominantly in the south. Most people might not think that cultural diversity and unfair discrimination go hand and hand but if you stop to think about why the slavery situation happened it can be traced backed to two reasons. The first is religion; the southern Baptists used the Old Testament to justify their cruel and inhuman treatment of the slaves. The second reason is pride in their European heritage, a blood heritage. Europeans in past times have viewed their culture superior to other world cultures and viewed members of non European dissent less than human. So should Europeans continue to celebrate their cultural diversity?

        In the 1930s and 40s the Nazi party was busy spreading ideas of a superior German culture, not surprisingly they began detaining Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally ill or any other group that their culture viewed as less than human. As you probably know the Nazis began using genocide as a means to celebrate their cultural diversity. Religion plays a role in this example as well. The Germans believed in a superior race of Aryans and that they should rule the world. Aryans are completely fictitious and based on a belief in a mythology. Should be celebrate their religious freedom as well?

       In the 1960s and 70s the Black Panther party was also busy celebrating its cultural diversity. Spreading black power rhetoric and using violent tactics to attempt a revolution is what they will be remembered for, but I think they should be remembered for something much simpler, a group that celebrated their cultures diversity.
  Now in our modern times we have Muslims celebrating their culture through suicide bombing, Jews trying to bring about the end of the world in Israel and Christians trying to impose Old Testament law on the people of the United States. These actions are all products of their religion which is directly related to culture.
  Now imagine a world where instead of cultural diversity, people celebrate cultural unity, all the worlds ethnic groups all promoting science and civilization as the real tool for progress and setting aside cultural diversity. “: we will be able to join at hands and sing free at last free at last” –Martin Luther king

Teen Violence

Every once in awhile you here in the news of school shootings and teen suicide. And sometimes the Perpetrators are atheists. This may lead you to believe that atheists are mentally unstable and violent. But I can find a more feasible reason for why the perpetrators are generally atheist. It’s because they are a minority, people fear and pick on the ones who don’t fit in. people have treated minorities as if they were less than equal throughout history so why should it stop at a lesser scale of the high school? These people must feel Out of place and angry at the way society treats them. This is not justification for their acts but it is explanation. Whether they are right or wrong about their atheist world views it is still difficult when the majority thinks you’re wrong and oppresses you for it. Obviously the more people in a following there are the easier it is to join and the more excepted the group is. So since these kids belong to a minority they cannot handle the pressure to conform so they resort to inflicting self damage or turn towards violence as the answer and may even resort to suicide. If the tables were turned and we lived under an atheist government then it would be Christians or whatever group is the most oppressed that are the perpetrators of these acts. In conclusion oppression is what leads to violence for example most street gangs are made up of minorities.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gun Control and Oppression

   In the United States gun control is an issue subject to rigorous debate. My stance is that the writers of the bill of rights recognized that the right to bear arms is the people last defense against oppression. History has shown that the tyrants who plagued the 21st century all instituted strict gun control policies often followed by mass murder. Many modern nations today that have experimented with gun control have experienced an increased murder rate. Gun control prevents good people from defending them against people who mean to harm them and more importantly out of control governments. In the following paragraphs I will go into detail about how gun control is the precursor to oppression.

   The Nazi party instituted gun control in 1938, excluding party members. This paved the path to the systematic extermination of 13 million Jews and other “undersirables”.  Imagine the difficulty the Nazis would have faced if the oppressed population were armed. If the German people recognized this vital step toward oppression they would have noticed this key event.

   The Soviet Union established gun control in 1938 resulting in the murder of 20 million political dissidents and the complete oppression of the Russian workers, the very people in which the communism is supposed to protect. The vicious party controlled people through starvation, which they would remain subject to due to the lack of weapons for self defense.

   In 1935 Mao Tse Tung established gun control resulting in 20 million murdered dissidents. In 1911 Turkey outlawed private guns resulting in 1.5 million Armenian deaths. Guatemala embraced gun control in 1964 resulting in 100,000 murdered Mayan Indians. In 1970 Uganda murdered 300,000 Christians after establishing gun control. And now the President of the United States advocates gun control. We cannot allow our defenses to be taken by oppressive government and fall victim to the same fate as 56 million other murdered people in the 21st century.

   The right to bear arms is one of our most important rights, it is not a privilege and if it is treated as such we will become just another group of slaves under an oppressive dictator. Statistics show that gun control not only does not reduce crime but sharply increases it. Gun control does not make people safer because criminals will still acquire what they want regardless of legality so why disarm the innocent? The United States is the only country in the world with more guns than people. With a national population of approximately 304,000,000,If all these people were armed it would be a dictators worst nightmare so natural any oppressive force would want weapon ownership kept to the very minimum and that’s just what might happen if you allow government to over intrude on your rights.