Sunday, December 5, 2010

Why Illegal Immigration Is Unacceptable

    Many foreigners come to this country because of our stability and living condition, there are those people who believe in free immigration with the hopes of relieving poverty stricken people from their struggle. But i ask you this, How are we going to maintain our standards and our stability if we let in the very social parasites who destroyed their own culture? Don't get me wrong I'm not a racist in any way but we must consider that what makes a nation succeed or fail depends on more than military might, in the long run it depends on our cultural values. We must be more strict about who we let into our country or else we will suffer the same fate that they caused there own home. We will lose our power, stability our standards and our cultural values if we are not careful.

   I will start with taxes, With approximately 4 million illegals entering our country every year how are we supposed to maintain our roads our schools or any public services our government offers if there is an unknown amount of people in our country many of which are paying no taxes and doing nothing to better that state as a whole? About 1.1 million illegals get into our children's classrooms every year, and if there not paying taxes they are using up school resources like books and educational equipment stealing them way from Americas sons and daughters. The result a dumber generation, and for what helping social parasites escape the poverty they've stricken themselves with?

And what about gang activity? Illegals make up 80% of our country's gang population and more than 50% of our prison population. These illegals sell drugs to your children they rape your daughters and murder innocent people, and we willingly let these parasites into our country. This ties in with taxes as well. You go into work everyday so that you can pay your taxes and what do they go to? locking up illegals in our prisons, buying there children school books and cleaning up the streets that they have ruined.

What about the constitution.

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